ANEI en el Exchange Summit
La Cumbre Exchange Summit que se celebrará los próximos 5 y 6 de octubre en Barcelona y contará con la representación de ANEI en la persona de María Losada de ZeroComa. Este evento se centrará en organismos públicos españoles y empresas que facturan al sector público, por la reciente entrada en vigor de la facturación electrónica obligatoria.
Ponencias y paneles de discusión en particular: 11:00 The Contribution of E-Invoicing to Fight the Economic Crisis and to Increase Transparency in the Context of the Reform of Public Administration in Spain – Mandatory E-Invoicing in a general framework to fight economic crisis in Spain – Law 25/2013 and General platform of E-Invoices (FACe) – E-Invoices as a part of the whole cycle of E-Procurement – Creation of an electronic register of accounts to increase transparency and control of commercial debt control and the average payments time – Optimising the management of payments and control of debtors in the context of multi-administration country as Spain – A view about the future of E-Invoicing in Spain Fernando de Pablo Martín, Office for the Implementation of Public Administration Reform, Vicepresidencia del Gobierno BREAKOUT SESSIONS A.6 – C.6 11:45 How to Implement (Mandatory) BtG E-Invoicing In short introductory presentations (each 5 mins) the panellists will show what the current status in their countries is, what challenges are being faced and have been solved so far. Read more about the roadmaps of the countries Switzerland, Sweden, Austria, Croatia. An open discussion with the audience and panellists will help to develop best practices for governmental initiatives and reliable roadmaps towards BtG E-Invoicing. Moderator: Charles Bryant, Co-Chair, EESPA Panelists: Peter Norén, Head of unit implementation & sourcing of enterprise applications, The Swedish National Financial Management Authority, Sweden Simon Zbinden, Federal Finance Administration FFA, E-Government Finance, Switzerland Gerhard Laga, The Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, Austria Jan Sulik, Head of e-business development service, Ministry of Economy, Croatia Aitor Cubo Contreras, Deputy director in the Communications and Information Technology Service, Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations, Spain
11:45 Facturación al sector público en España: La plataforma FACE como caso de éxito con algunos retos por resolver (session in Spanish- Sesión en español) Moderador: Julian Inza Aldaz, President, European Agency of Digital Trust Panelistas: Jose María Sobrino, Subdirector General, Subdirección General de Aplicaciones de Contabilidad y Control, Ministerio de Hacienda y Administración Públicas María Rodríguez-Losada, Representante de ANEI (Asociación Nacional de Empresas de Internet) en Foros de Factura Electrónica Rubén Cortés Domingo, Director de Operaciones del Consorci AOC (Administració Oberta de Catalunya) |